Articles about IXPERTA & Atlassian
![Power BI Connector](
Company’s Performance improvement via Power BI Connector for Jira
In today’s world it’s not enough just to do business well to succeed. Due to high competition, companies have to constantly track performance, analyze customer behavior, compare data with competitors, optimize operations, predict market trends and discover issues at early stages to make smarter decisions and, as a result, increase sales and profit. Many of them rely on technologies to do all this job. And business intelligence solutions can help here.
![Quick Create with issue templates](
Quick Create with Issue Templates for Jira
Quick Create with Issue Templates for Jira Hey, have you ever been wondering “How to create Jira Issue Template” as well? Jira is a great platform. Robust, complex, and
![Addons for confluence](
5 best add-ons for Confluence intranet
5 best add-ons for Confluence intranet Many companies across the globe use Confluence as intranet, but why would they do that? Good question, as
![Favorite macros for Confluence](
Favorite macros for Confluence
Favorite macros for Confluence Have you heard? Favorite Macros for Confluence is now on Atlassian Marketplace! Let’s peek what value does it bring:
Do you like clams? Join more than 31 000 other satisfied users and be happy as a slam as well
What do our customers value the most? The tremendous time savings. Both the novices and the power users. Everybody loves the intuitive use.
Consult directly with the experts
![Consult directly with the experts](
![Consult directly with the experts](
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